Exercising with Parkinson’s Disease.

A critical fact in slowing Parkinson’s disease progression is exercising. Working out helps to keep in check triggers such as stress and anxiety.

There are several exercising options out there, some better than others based on your ongoing Parkinson’s symptoms.

I used to run about 60 miles a week and enjoyed it but now my body can barely take 12 miles/week (that is an 80% reduction in 6 years ) without feeling drained, sore or injured.

My Parkinson’s tremors tend to be more severe while working out but impressively, they slowdown 20-30 minutes after exercising. Therefore, cycling is out of the picture as both hands are needed and shaking makes my ride quite unsafe.

Training options

Luckily, being an Olympian helps to narrow down sports that will give you the best workout, get you in shape quickly and without the risk of overuse injuries.

Believe it or not that sports exist and it is hugely popular among Cross Country Skiing Olympic athletes. I’m talking about Nordic Walking.

Nordic Walking is basically walking with poles! Walking with poles provides (if performed properly) the immense benefits of Cross Country Skiing. Lower and upper body are engaged synchronously giving you a low impact work out with no risk of getting injured.

Uphill Nordic walking gentle intervals – Fort Tryon Park -NYC
Credit: Allen Schauffler

Nordic walking is my weapon of choice to gain and stay in shape, it also strengths the core muscles and helps me with the Parkinson’s rigidity symptoms.

I will write and cover more about Nordic Walking, how to perform it and how to get the best of it in future posts.

What exercise does work for you?

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